Recent Buy – KeyCorp (KEY)

Half way through another month to remember and it is time to post my recent buy – KeyCorp (KEY)! Over 10,000 have died from COVID-19 here in New York City where there are over 100,000 confirmed cases. The number of cases is no doubt even higher than that when you count those who only had mild symptoms and brushed it off without being tested. Very slowly, however, doom is giving way to hope as the numbers have begun to stabilize and decrease in certain areas. The curve appears to be flattening. I am hoping the worse is over with and things can go back to normal again someday.

The market has recovered a bit from it previous lows, but it will probably be a bumping road for the next several months. Either way, the dividend key coming and we all keep investing. During the first week of April I made a new stock purchase. I bought 222 shares of KEY and I am really happy a bought when the price was under $10 per share. As a result, KeyCorp (KEY) became the 35th stock in my portfolio. This purchase added $164.28 to my forward annual dividend income.

And that concludes the first half of the month. My portfolio now stands to generate $10,482.53 in dividend income over the next 12 months.  I am been watching my dividends carefully and so far, no cuts have occurred do the pandemic. In fact, with the exception of GSK, I am expecting several companies to raise these dividends this month. At the same time, I would not be surprised if a few pauses occur or even a cut to one of them. Just hoping for the best all around. We will see what happens.

So, what do you think of my recent buy? Make any good stock buys lately? Also, how are your faring during this pandemic? Let me know in the comments below!

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